Website Reviews plugin update (1.0.3)
In this blog post I will talk about the Website Reviews plugin update we have recently rolled out.
Since our Website Reviews plugin has not been live on the market for that long, we are still very much optimising in every way we can. Therefore it will be no surprise this update contains a lot of bugfixing! Bugfixing regarding the update process itself, bugfixing regarding submissions of reviews, bugfixing regarding upgrades from free to premium, lots and lots of bugfixing.
New feature
Already?! Yes, already!
The new feature regards a disable on mobile devices function.
Thanks to some valuable feedback (from and others) we have learned that in some cases the label of our feedback form may cover tiny bits of your pages content. Of course this depends of your website, theme or content. Therefore we added the option to disable our plugin on mobile devices. This way you can still enjoy everything our Website Reviews plugin has to offer on desktop, without installing completely.
Future Website Reviews plugin updates
Many plans are still in the making. Some unsure, some destined for greatness. Below a small grasp of what a future Website Reviews plugin update will contain, besides more bugfixing.
- New visual appeal for submit popup
- CSV / Excel export for reviews
- Optimize reviews overview
Want to check out all current features? You can find them here.