
June 6, 2020

Drupal is a free Content Management System (CMS). With more than 1.3 million members in it’s community, Drupal is another big player in the CMS world. With a lot of dedicated developers within this community, bugs and security riscs are usually fixed quickly. New modules and updates emerge at a steady pace as well.

Drupal it’s core, it’s standard release, is very complete. It contains lots of features to ensure a good content management experience. It comes with a set of standard themes, templates per theme and Twig (PHP Template engine) integrated. Drupal themes on the market vary greatly in quality. If your budget and deadline allow it your best bet is to create a custom theme for your Drupal project.

Even though Drupal is being used in all sorts of websites, blogs and forums, it is usually the first choice for a more complex project. Some examples of top websites built in drupal are; Nasa, Tesla and The Australian Government.